Chicago Amateur Radio Emergency Radio Network

CAREDN is an organization dedicated to fostering the exploration, education, and implementation of a regional emergency data network on amateur microwave bands in the Chicagoland area. This emergency data network is hardened against natural disasters, power loss, internet outages, and other sources of failure on traditional networking infrastructure. This enables resilience when traditional communication methods fail, ensuring the CAREDN is available to its served agencies around the clock, and when it is needed most. CAREDN is an unincorporated group of Chicagoland based individuals interested in growing emergency communications infrastructure, and microwave based amateur radio communications. As this group and initiative grows, the intention is for CAREDN to gain not-for-profit status and become an independent organization.

Who Do We Serve?

CAREDN aims to provide an emergency data network that covers a wide range of services within the Chicagoland area. We do so utilizing the amateur radio licensed spectrum within the microwave portion of the radio spectrum. We intend to serve a wide range of served agencies providing backup voice and data services "when all else fails". Additionally, CAREDN aims to educate amateur radio operators of all ages on both the RF as well as the network aspects of operating a large scale wireless microwave service. CAREDN occupies spectrum otherwise mostly unused in the Chicagoland area, which allows for reliable high speed service, without interfering with other commercial, residential or emergency services.

Everyone Is Welcome!

Everyone is welcome... Period! In order to operate your own AREDN node, you will need the entry level amateur radio license (technician). Other than that, you are welcome to join our network, utilize its services, and contribute to the community. Note, see the coverage area for current CAREDN RF coverage. This is a point to point RF service, so in order to gain an RF link, you must be within the coverage area. If you do not have a line of sight possibility, or are in the development stages, tunnel links are available. Tunnel requests from outside the Chicagoland area will be evaluated on a case by case basis.